Workhorse Printer Assembly Instructions

Dear User,
Thank you for choosing the Workhorse 3D Printer and welcome the community!
This Assembly Manual will guide you through the build process step by step.
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Happy building and printing and stay in touch!
Team 3D Distributed
Contact Information
(936) 689-3522
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Product Description
1.2 Build of Materials
2 Technical Specifications
2.1 General Printer Specifications
3 Precautions and Safety
4 Preparation and Tools Needed
4.1 Preparation
4.2 Tools Needed
5 Assembling the Frame
5.1 Frame BOM 10
5.2 Frame Assembly
5.3 Frame Alignment 15
1 Introduction
1.1 Product Description
The Workhorse Printer is an open source 3d printer designed by 3D Distributed in 2016. The unique printer is a modular machine platform that uses lead screw driven motion to allow for an extended range of applications. Most 3d printers use belt driven motion in the x and y axis to increase print speed but loses quality when more weight is applied to the gantry or carriage. The lead screw used on the Workhorse Printer has a high helix pitch with multiple threads to allow increased print speeds while maintaining the quality provided from lead screw and ball screw motion.The robust and rigid system is particularly useful in applications that add more weight to the gantry or carriage. Materials such as clay, chocolate, plastic pellet extrusion or other foods can increase weight that is moved around which results decreased quality or print speeds. Workhorse Printers are available to purchase in Machined Component Kit, Hardware Kit or Complete Kit. Currently fully assembled Workhorse Printers are only available locally in Houston Texas or for Beta Testers with approval.
Type: FDM
Launched in: 2016
Assembly: Fully Assembled or Kit
Mechanical Arrangement: Cartesian-XYZ-Head
Materials: PLA, ABS
Printer Dimensions: 945mm x 610mm x 565mm
Filament Diameter: 3mm or 1.75
Build Volume: 650mm x 350mm x 350mm
Layer Resolution: 100-300 Microns
Feeder System: Direct Drive or Bowden Tube
Max Extruder Head Temperature: 350 C
Frame: Aluminum
Leveling: Fixed w/Probing Function
Display: Any Computer or device with wifi and an internet browser
Connectivity: Wifi, SD
Print Recovery: Yes
Filament Monitor: No
Slicer: Cura
Bed: Massive 1/2" aluminum plate
3 Precautions and Safety
All FDM printers use heating elements and electrical power. This means there is an inherent risk of electrical fault burns or fire associated with their use, much like there is an inherent risk associated with driving a car. We have incorporated safety features to minimise these risks. You should follow these precautions to help ensure operator safety.
Keep in climate controlled environment
Keep the product out of reach of children.
Disconnect printer from all electrical sources before cleaning or maintenance.
Maintain wire management to avoid pulled/ripped wires. Contact us if you have any concerns.
Keep printer clear of any highly flammable materials. Especially low flash point oils and greases.
Keep all heating elements and associated electronics maintained.
Do not reach into printer while nozzle or bed are heated to avoid burns
Take basic fire safety precautions. Keep in a room with smoke alarms.