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CoreXY Parts For Maker's Mic

Custom CoreXY 3D Printer Plates - Maker Mic Show

So we got a message not to long ago from our buddy Mike Fisher of the "Maker's Mic" show. In an earlier discussion about each others new corexy printer build we had talked about reducing the amount of machined parts, available materials and making the machines scale able with more modular components. Mike had a new corexy frame design for us that he needed machined. Mike's new corexy design is brilliant. It's not his only printer to develop. Recently Mike also pulished the QuadRod Corexy printer on thingiverse. Now it's time for the new corexy build. 

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CoreXY Upgrade Plates

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CoreXY Belt Routing Path Setup

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Mike's CoreXY Frame

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Electronics Mounting Plate

The new corexy build uses some of the same stock material we use on our corexy design and our WorkHorse 3D Printer. The timing was right because we were currently machining parts for our prototype and had the mill setup and running on the selected stock and needed tools. So the custom parts we made were 4"x.2" plates that had holes for motor mounting and lead screw attachment. 

Mike's corexy design has the linear rails located on the top of the frame. The belt routing path above the frame plates.

The rectangular cutout in the bottom front plate is a window for a LCD screen. Mike thought out the hole pattern to anticipate different types of LCD screens that might be used. It will even fit a Duet Wifi LCD and other common LCD screens found on 3d printers.

The design has a series of hole patterns and slots so that fans can be mounted and the slot pattern acts as vents for airflow.


Quad Rod CoreXY

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Mike Fisher has also had a number of other projects like a delta and a corexy printer called the Quad Rod that is published open source on Thingiverse. The Quad Rod CoreXY is a unique design that is well thought out that includes properly distributing the moving mass to balance out the weight of the extruder and carriage assembly.

Quad Rod CoreXY printer is designed to provide a more stable carriage assembly through the use of 4 rods on the x axis rather the traditional two found in most other designs. Carriage stability is further enhanced through all of the carriage components being distributed evenly over the carriage. Z Axis uses a dual stepper 2 rod setup. Print volume for this printer is 260mm x 300mm x 350mm. This design utilizes 1" aluminum extrusions and 3/4" liner rods with Thompson pillow blocks. One of the pillow blocks will need to be disassembled to accomodate for the y axis bearings. 

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corexy quadrod 3d printer.JPG

Also check out Mike Fisher's Youtube channel


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