MRRF 2019

Midwest Reprap Festival 2019 was AWESOME. There were so many more people attending and exhibiting compared to last year. The venue was packed to seams with some of nicest 3d printer builds you can find.

MRRF 2019 Highlights:
E3D Toolchangers
Railcore 3D Printers
White Knight Belt Printer
CoreXY 3D Printers
SeeMeCNC's Demos New Boss Delta
OpenRC Race
World Record of 3d Printed Tug Boats/Benchies
3D Distributed Demos WorkHorse 3D Printer ;)
The Best CoreXY 3D Printers of 2019
3dGloop Tug of War

White Knight 3D Printer at MRRF 2019

Some of you might remember the Black Belt Printer. The Black Belt was a useful closed source belt 3d printer with a infinity Z-axis. Carl from NAK3DDesigns published an open source version mechanical concept called White Knight 3D Printer see more. The White Knight is a great design and well built machine.
Yeah you saw that right.... That's a Backpack Delta 3d printer. Mitch3D built a completely mobil delta printer thats pretty much a glorified backpack that can make you stuff. You never know when you leave your house if you're going to have to print something.... So why not?

Carl used his experience in automotive body work and applied these skills to his build. The results were great. The finished product looked like a finished product. You can find out more about the White Knight on his Thingiverse Github accounts. Just search white Knight belt 3d printer.

Although Mitch3D showed his backpack delta printer at #MRRF2018 it is believed that he has increased the height of the z-axis and upgraded some of the parts to 713Maker machined aluminum parts. Looks great... now I want one lol.

The 3D Gloop 3d printed tug of war challenge
3D GLoop, a start up selling their new bed adhesive on Kick Starter present their solution to a common problem in the 3d printing area...... bed adhesion. 3D Gloop is the most insanely strong bed adhesive you'll ever see. At the end of the three day event, 3D Gloop set up the "3D Gloop 3D Printed Tug of War Challenge." To demonstrate the strength of their bed adhesive they brought out a strap with two piece 3d printed handles. Then participants played a round of tug of war to show how strongly 3D Gloop held its bond. In addition to bed adhesive they also have a new 3d printed part spray coating that works
very well and a glue that is used to glue 3d printed parts together. It's very impressive of how well this product works. It just works. They invested much time and even hired a scientist to develop the most useful product. I know we'll be stocking up on some soon.

WorkHorse 3D Printer
E3D Toolchanger

E3D Toolchanger at Duet3D booth #MRRF2019

E3D definitely left an impression on the 3d printing community last year when they presented their new CoreXY 3d printer equipped with a tool changer. Although the final design hasn't been published yet that didnt stop many from making their own or similar inspired machines. It's amazing how quickly the Reprap community can develop and implement an idea. Many exhibitors showed their own version to the tool changer technique. While there was a small number of exhibitors that had the genuine E3D corexy printers that were sent out to early beta testers. I don't know if tool changing 3d printers will be the feature of 3d printing multiple materials and colors but it's a good start. Plus it gives them a reason to buy more of their great hotends. Who says you can only have a couple of hotends on a 3d printer?
The E3D tool changing corexy printer uses the Duet Wifi with the X5 expansion board to control the advanced motion system. They mentioned before how they wouldnt be able to control the printer like they do without the Duet Wifi and Reprap Firmware. The gcode based programming and configuration allows for useful macros to be utilized to get more functionality.

The Midwest Reprap Festival also has the most interesting 3d prints you possibly find. Its hard to not get inspired by all the cool stuff people 3d print. I think we also broke the record of the most 3d printed tug boats you can fit into one building( benchies.)
This interesting delta 3d printer build was designed and built by Ryan Carlyle. Ryan also wrote the book "3D Printer Engineering." I picked up a copy from him at the show and this is what I think...... The book is great. Coming from someone who has built a handful of printers it showed me alot of information that connected the dots of machine design to the actual science and technical engineering. You can find the book on Amazon and highly suggest you add this one to your collection. This book is great. It doesn't matter if your newbie or designed and built a number of machines there is something there for you.

Maarten van Lier of Core3D.Tech shows his new tall delta printer that he calls C3Dt/bd." The "bd" stands for Big Delta. It has a build volume of 330mm DIA x 1245mm. It is a well thought out machine design made by a guy who has created a number of other awesome 3d printer designs. The Big Delta has 40mmx40mm extrusions and uses Nema 23's to drive the motion. Maarten uses the Delta Smart Effector with touch sensor homing with the blue E3D hotend that has threaded heat sink commonly used on delta printers. In addition the Big Delta is equiped with THK linear rails and a 7" PanelDue touch screen.

This very large delta printer is called the Part Daddy. This beast was designed and built by SeeMeCNC who is a company known for creating many great delta 3d printers. Part Daddy has a pellet extruder and a 4mm nozzle that allows for large and quick 3d prints. It's built from custom CNC machined aluminum parts and large aluminum extrusions. It works just like a regular printer except it's LARGE. It has a print volume of 44 inch diameter x 114 inches tall.

Railcore Labs & Project R3D