Lets talk about the difference between the Core-XY and the Cartesian motion system. The main difference is the belt arrangement and how the system is driven in order to move along the X and Y-axis. The original Repraps like the Prusa use the Cartesian motion system. Each axis has its own drive (motor.) You have your XYZ axis. The X-axis would move from left to right, Y-axis would move toward and away from the user and Z-axis will travel up and down.
The CoreXY system doesn't have dedicated motors to drive each axis.. There is no X or Y motor. If you were to move just one motor you would see the print head move diagonal.. If the two motors move opposite of each other the print head will move along the X-axis, If the two motors move in the same direction the carriage will move along the Y-axis.

#corexy corexy3dprinter