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Duet Wifi: Brushless Motor Control

Shane Hooper

Updated: Dec 8, 2018

Hey group, I'm using the Duet Wifi for to build a house printer. One of the motor axis is used for a rotary that sprays concrete. I need to set up the interface where I can turn on the rotary (z-axis) and it stays on while I jog other axis around. This needed for testing and other functions. I've been turning on the rotary by clicking the home z button and changed the homez file to a ridiculous travel amount to keep it on. The problem I'm having is that I need to jog the other axis (x and Y) around while the rotary stays on. Also I need to turn off the rotary when needed... Currently the firmware doesn't have a facility to perform movements that are not synchronized between all the axes.

You could consider using a DC motor for the concrete sprayer, perhaps connected to a spare heater output (don't forget to add a flyback diode!), and controlling its speed by PWM using M42? That might work if the speed control doesn't have to be precise. Someone informed me that I can actually use a stepper motor with PWM like a brushless motor. This might be more ideal for me because I already have the Nema34 and machined parts to mount the nema34. I bought this Nema 34 brushless motor and driver off Amazon.

Thinking I could wire the fan pins to the enable of the driver to turn it on with the fan control. The easiest way to control that motor driver would be to feed one of the servo outputs into its AVI input, and use a common ground between the Duet and the motor driver. Ok so I need to wire one of the Duet servo outputs to the brushless motor's driver AVI and use a common ground between the Duet and the motor driver. So according to this illustration 📷 the servo connectors are the same pins as used for the stepper endstops? Or should I be wiring to the expansion header as stated in the "Using servos and controlling unused IO pins" documentation? Also do think I still need the 220uF capacitor on the 5v rail for back emf?

No, the servo pins use the same output pins as the extruder heaters. So disable the corresponding heater using M307 (e.g. to disable heater 7 aka E6 aka PWM_5, use M307 H7 A-1 C-1 D-1), then use the corresponding logical pin number in the M280 command. For heater outputs, the logical pin number is equal to the heater number; so M280 P7 Sxx would control PWM_5.

You don't need the 200uF capacitor, that is needed for large servos that are powered from the 5V pin on the servo connector.



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